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My website allows you to choose what it looks like from a variety of different templates. These are provided because many people do not like the default look of my page. They complain that white text on a black background is hard to read, even though I believe it's much less straining to look at a darker screen since a monitor is basically a glorified lightbulb. But, in any event I have several templates below. I provide an image so that you can see what it will look like, and to change to it you only need to click on it. I also have quick change themes on the left navigation bar.

If you have any theme suggestions and know HTML then visit my theme example page. Edit the colors on the page and email it to me. If it's decent looking then I most likely will list it here.

Classic (White/Black)

Classic (White/Black)

Generic (Black/White)

Generic (Black/White)

DOS Edit (White/Blue)

Edit (White/Blue)

Terminal (Green/Black)

Terminal (Green/Black)

"Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship[...] Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." - Herman Goering: Intelligence office interview at Nuremberg, 1946/4/18

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