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Services Utility: ClipBook Service

Display Name (?): ClipBook
Short Name (?): ClipSrv
Executable (?): clipsrv.exe
Library (?): None.
Depends On (?): Network DDE
Supports (?): None.
Description (?): Enables ClipBook Viewer to store information and share it with remote computers. If the service is stopped, ClipBook Viewer will not be able to share information with remote computers. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.
OS (?): 2000 Professional, XP Home/Professional, Vista Home/Business, 2000 Server, Server 2003, Vista Server
Startup (?):

Explanation (?):

The clipbook service allows one machine on a network to share the contents of its clipboard with another machine. The clipboard is the local software component that allows you to copy and paste text and graphics between programs. This service is normally manipulated through the clipboard viewer application (clipbrd.exe), although it isn't necessarily limited to that application. As this service is generally not used it could be safely disabled on every distribution of Windows although the best recommendation is just to leave it set to manual as it does not consume any resources unless called on. In a corporate network where sharing should not take place it would be a good idea to remove this possible security hole. This service directly depends on the NetDDE/Network Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) services to create the appropriate file sharing tunnels.

Please visit /tools/services/ for the complete Services utility.

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